Caregivers of people with Disabilities

There is so much we can all learn about people with intellectual and developmental disabilities – and about the people who care for them. 

I learn something new every day.

Angels’ Place employs over 100 caregivers.  Here are three things I’ve learned about them:

1. The people who choose the caregiver profession are kind, generous souls.  Most consider this their sacred mission in life.  Many have been caring for someone – their own child, a parent, a grandparent -- nearly their entire life.

2. This is rewarding work, but hard work – its easy to imagine the fun times – enjoying a meal, going for a walk, playing a game… but their work includes preparing those meals, keeping the house clean, laundry, and personal hygiene care.

3. The training is difficult and the documentation and paperwork seems to never end.  What they accomplish is amazing.

There is so much to learn – and we are all learning every day.  

We are so thankful for the people who chose to care for the Angels’ Place residents.

We hope you will take some time to learn more about the people with disabilities – and about their caregivers.

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