
Showing posts from February, 2024

There is Work to be Done

Annual Gifts Drive Our Day-to-Day Work Last week, we received several heartbreaking calls from dear friends of Angels' Place. Their acquaintance had suddenly passed away in Northern Michigan and were hoping we might consider opening a new home there including the acquaintance's special needs son.  Sadly, before they fully posed their idea, their own words helped them understand that the hands-on, in-person nature of our work - recruiting caregivers, training and mentoring them, managing complex reporting and compliance, working in collaboration with families and healthcare providers, providing resident enrichment activities, managing home maintenance = made the distant location impractical.  We offered two imperfect solutions - add the son to our waitlist for future residential consideration, or leverage our experiences as consultants to create their own version of "Angels' Place" in their area.  Unfortunately, this story is not uncommon. Every week, parents come