
Showing posts from June, 2023

Caregivers Dedicate their Lives to Service

 A few weeks ago, we celebrated our team with an Employee Appreciation Day.  The gifts we shared – a sweatshirt, a gift card -- were modest in comparison to the gifts they share with us every day. On Facebook, we often post pictures of our residents smiling; engaging in fun activities – and thanks to our caregivers, they do have good, fulfilling lives. Of course, It wouldn’t be appropriate to share the more challenging moments – but that is the reality of assisting people with intellectual and developmental disabilities. Understanding complex emotional states -- sometimes, when the people you’re trying to help don’t have the words to describe what they need. Managing the complexities of a household with 3, 4, 5, 6 adults -- sometimes arbitrating compromises across those residents and their families. Assisting with personal hygiene and nutrition -- sometimes when the caregiver has their own needs. Our caregivers chose to dedicate their lives in service.  And they do a great job. That’s

An (interim) Pine Center Home

Today is a good day at Angels’ Place.  We hope you will celebrate with us. Over the last year, the good people at Blessed Assurance Home Inspections have (at no charge) examined each of the homes Angels’ Place owns – the kind of physical inspection you might contract when you buy a home.  With this information, we have prioritized our maintenance workload and investment. One home needed several major repairs – Pine Center. As we engaged various vendors to estimate the work, it also became apparent that even with a significant investment, the setup of the home would not be ideal to accommodate aging-in-place.  The home has narrow hallways, small bathrooms and bedrooms, etc. This property was donated to Angels’ Place by the Miller Family twenty-eight years ago.  It has served us well.  The neighbors have been kind and helpful.  The ladies love the location and its short walk to the beach on Pine Lake. And so, armed with this information, the board chose to build a new home on the propert