There is Work to be Done

Annual Gifts Drive Our Day-to-Day Work

Last week, we received several heartbreaking calls from dear friends of Angels' Place. Their acquaintance had suddenly passed away in Northern Michigan and were hoping we might consider opening a new home there including the acquaintance's special needs son. 

Sadly, before they fully posed their idea, their own words helped them understand that the hands-on, in-person nature of our work - recruiting caregivers, training and mentoring them, managing complex reporting and compliance, working in collaboration with families and healthcare providers, providing resident enrichment activities, managing home maintenance = made the distant location impractical. 

We offered two imperfect solutions - add the son to our waitlist for future residential consideration, or leverage our experiences as consultants to create their own version of "Angels' Place" in their area. 

Unfortunately, this story is not uncommon. Every week, parents come to us with requests to place their child - often with urgency created by their own confrontation with mortality.

In the last edition of our newsletter, the feature story and this column were dedicated to the launch of an ambitious, multi-year "Abundant Lives" Campaign. This campaign sets the organization up for the future. So far, donors have been generous and we have momentum. 

The premise of the campaign is to generate incremental support for specific, long-term needs while not eroding critical annual giving. The hands-on, in-person nature of our work requires a constant stream of annual income. 

Recently, two new men became Angels' Place residents - your annual support keeps them safe, comfortable, and fulfilled every day.

In the last two months, longtime residents Robert and Carol Ann passed away - because of your annual support, they and their families were at peace in their final days. 

In the past inclement week, your annual gift helped clear walks, repair vehicles, and keep the houses at a comfortable temperature.You motivated caregivers to travel icy roads to fulfill their mission.

While many people donated during the Christmas season and Angels' Place remains financially strong, we fell measurably short of our year-end fundraising goal. We'll need to dip into our reserves.

So, with humility, we ask that you please consider an unrestricted gift to support the men and women of Angels' Place today. 

Now is the perfect time. Making a gift during Developmental Disabilities Awareness Month has twice the impact - all unrestricted gifts will be matched dollar-for-dollar, up to a total of $30,000. 

The hands-on, in-person nature of our work requires this consistent stream of annual income. 

On behalf of the men and women of Angels' Place, thank you for your past generosity and for your ongoing consideration. There is much work to be done. 

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