This Too Will Get Done

Hopefully with a smile.  Always with love.

Dear Friends:
In the last edition of this newsletter, I shared a story about my Dad and some of the lessons he shared with us.  The story struck a chord with many of you, so I hope you will indulge me with another.

As my Dad aged, he increasingly needed help with work around the house.  Because he was so kind, he always preceded the request with “I hate to ask, but…”.

“I hate to ask, but could you rototill my garden?  I hate to ask, but will you move the swing off the porch? I hate to ask, but will you please trim my hedge?”

Fortunately, between my brother and sisters, our families, and the neighbor, most everything was done. 

Inevitably, just as the initial task was completed, he’d say “I hate to ask, but before you sit down, could you do one more thing...”   That too would get done.  Usually with a smile.  Always with love.

That cadence is a fond memory – and it feels familiar as we launch the Enriching Lives Campaign.

You receive this newsletter because you have already been so generous to the men and women of Angels’ Place.

I hate to ask… but the objectives of the campaign simply need to get done.   They are necessary to ensure that all of our residents can safely and comfortably age-in-place and our mission of providing care for life will be fulfilled.

And one more thing…  The intention of this campaign is to generate incremental support for specific, long-term needs without eroding critical annual support.  Without those annual gifts, our day-to-day work would not be possible.

Angels’ Place was founded to enrich the lives of its residents.  As God has enriched your life, we are humbly seeking your support through our campaign to assure sustainability.

We are confident that this too would get done.  Hopefully with a smile.  Always with love.

On behalf of the men and women of Angels’ Place, thank you.

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