Robert at the Bat

You may be familiar with the famous poem “Casey at the Bat”.  In 1888, Ernest Thayer wrote this dramatic narrative about a fictional baseball game.  The poem speaks to the joy of the game and the hope that exists until the final out is made.  In a surprising twist, that poem concludes with “there is no joy in Mudville – mighty Casey has struck out.” 

Recently, Angels’ Place residents returned to the ballgames of Miracle League.  Like in the poem, it was a joy for the men and women to play the game they love with the people they love. 

Unlike Casey, however, none of the participants in these games are physically mighty.  And also, unlike Casey, when Robert came to the plate with the bases loaded, he did not strike out.  In fact, he hit the ball farther than he ever had.  

A home run.  The miracle of Miracle League.

After a year of challenges there was pure joy in Southfield.

Your support to Angels’ Place makes homes and services available to adults with developmental and intellectual disabilities.  We also thank you for making the home runs possible.

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